
This is my blog, and it is dangerous. Do you think I want to die like this?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I Play Sims (part51)

How many times do I have to tell you two "no, god no." about this sleeping arrangement?
Hey look, it's our old friend Wei Keane.
Hand to god, it didn't take me all this time to figure out his name is a pun on the word "waking". *nods*
Oh come on. She would have worked it out if you gave her enough time.
Your elderly mother is beating you, Stanley! You might want to try eating.
Gee, I just spent nearly 200 Simoleons on this picnic lunch - there must be some real treasures inside.
Hot dogs. Just hot dogs in there. Money well spent.
Poppy's going to her prom! All by herself. In that extravadiculously large limousine.
She came home with a crown, a new boyfriend and the best jazz hands/peg leg prom picture ever!
During the prom, Stanley randomly decides to favor his bestie with a ghost story.
Good job Stanley. He's all sorts of ready for bed now.
I just pulled a muscle sighing at you two.
You, Stanley - I give up on. Cuddle up with your mother next. Like I care.
Everyone else is asleep, Suri - where are you going?
Oh right. King Travis commissioned that painting from you. When did he move?
Well that's a tidy profit. And money always makes me think of llamas, too!
Great seeing you again, King Travis. Don't let us keep you or nothin'.
I'm going to file this one away as "family bonding time" and move on.
Even if she was age-appropriate, you're still barking up the wrong girl.
There you go, love magnet. This one might like you.
Oh good, she's bonkers. That's going to do you some favors, Logan.
At least she'll fit in with everyone else, treading all over the flowers and whatnot.
Thank the heavens, it's birthday time.
I'm as eager as you are to see how this kid turns out, but damn.
Nothing to see here. To the foyer!
Crossing my fingers hard for this one, Logan.
Watch out! He's headed straight for your balls!
A relief. Once his eyes uncross, he'll probably be adorable.
God damn you, Game! A pox on you!

I Play Sims (part52)
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5 comments: said...

Does King Travis look like King Friday from Mr. Rogers on purpose, or is that just a happy accident?

Unknown said...

He's actually based on a real person, who I am sure will be thrilled to learn he looks like King Friday in my game.

For what it's worth, he's always hungry, and always makes macaroni and cheese. He also flies into unexplained rages.

Rissa said...

I laughed so hard at "he's headed straight for your balls." you have the best captions :D

Unknown said...

Thanks, Rissa! I'd actually started to think the only people reading this anymore were Bunny Walker and Dogs on Drugs.

Rissa said...

i've been reading this blog for about 5 months or so. heard about it on Facebook been hooked ever since. :D