
This is my blog, and it is dangerous. Do you think I want to die like this?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I Play Sims 2 (part6)

Eugene, just tell her she sounds like Pavarotti so she'll stop.
This sucks. You were just starting to grow on me, Maura.
Now Eugene is old. Well don't think you're retiring, old man. I won't have it.

You fools are annoying enough when he's got places to be up the sharply angled road.
All day, every day of this crap? No thanks.
Oh stop. You'll still have plenty of canoodling time. Gah.
Alright, Gretchen - it's just adulthood. No new to chew the scenery about it.
Hey Doc, while you're in there, try convincing her to ditch the pink hair. It's getting on my nerves.
That's it, shake her up good.
Eh. The hair's better at least.
Thankfully, she's wasting no time finding a man with whom to discuss hot bowls of blood.
You'll be pregnant in no time, Gretchen.
Once Harris figures out what the hell is going on. Use smaller words, Gretch.
Hrm. Hard to tell how Geneva feels about him. Immortals can be so inscrutable.
Oh cool, she loves him.
Harris is just, you know ...
... so damned easy to get along with.
So very hip, too.
You two really need to find some hobbies other than irritating me.
And I definitely need to get that bar off the back deck.
I Play Sims 2 (part7)
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Dogs On Drugs said...

I think you're running the Sims: LSD Special Edition

Unknown said...

Oh just WAIT.