
This is my blog, and it is dangerous. Do you think I want to die like this?

Monday, January 21, 2013

I Play Sims (part48)

So. What's been going on with the Rosenzweigs lately? Glad you asked.

Baby's getting loved on.

Baby's getting squished.
Baby sucks.
Rachel's still alive, but "well" is a different story. She has gone bananas.
I suppose it could have been worse. At least it's enormous and uses every possible color.
Logan's still privately investigating things, this time for some sort of evil child.
Whom I actually thought was a boy until I noticed the shoes. What is happening with this game and footwear?
"I will pay you extra not to tell me the old bull/young bull joke."
Get on your way, Logan - you have a meeting with a hipster. Or whatever the hell is going on with him.
Don't bother asking him if the scissors in his house are broken, he only liked scissors when they weren't mainstream.
Good job, now he's sharing his latest spoken word poem about feminism.
But, at least Logan got the information he needed so he could get paid.
Then immediately fireball the little brat. Well-played.
What's happening here is unclear, but the hive mind/pool thing is still going strong.
Good grief, nothing distracts them from their romance. Try having that baby, Frida, I can't take it.
I see people are still convening in strange places.
Poppy, put some clothes on before Logan gets arrested.
Stanley, don't get Suri started on dragons. She might get drastic on you.
Huh. Even I didn't see that reaction coming.
Looks like Stanley ain't even hearin' that. Or this is how he meditates, you never can tell with him.
Logan's found the perfect place for a baby.
The German word for awkward is "unangenehm". Let's just say it five times, if it's possible to say it at all.
Oh hey, it's little Robert Wilson's birthday! Let's smother him!
Alrighty, guess that's it. Great party.
Poppy, put some clothes on, for real.
That's right, Logan - the floor is for babies. You're such an expert.
Time for our little butterfly to hatch!
No ... no. A thousand times, no. Suri. Logan. You're not allowed to breed anymore.
See? I told you. He's already plotting the death of his best friend.
He's coming right for me. This is disturbing. I'm disturbed. Good luck with this one, I'm going to flee.
I Play Sims (part49)
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9 comments: said...

That one pic is one strapon short of the Sims getting interesting!

Unknown said...

Hey! You trying to call my Sim children boring!? I might have to unleash the whirlwind on ya.

Ashlee said...

This is great! I spent a little too much time laughing at the last three pictures. Suri and Logan make, uh, interesting offspring.

Unknown said...

Interesting is definitely the right word.

I checked out your blog, the pictures are gorgeous!

Ashlee said...

Aw shucks, thank you! :)

ButchSims said...

Is it just me, or does it look like Suri is drinking Corona, instead of blowing a party horn??

Unknown said...

I rilly, rilly totes hope that I look like Rachel when I'm that close to Death. She's close, right? She'd hate to be a dwindler.

Unknown said...

I rilly, rilly totes hope that I look like Rachel when I'm that close to Death. She's close, right? She'd hate to be a dwindler.

Unknown said...

That lady is hanging on like a hair on a biscuit.