
This is my blog, and it is dangerous. Do you think I want to die like this?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Yeah, you read that right.  But don't get too excited.  Several days ago, my best friend Bunny Walker asked me if I was writing erotica under the name N.T. Morley.  I was not.  But it later occurred to me that perhaps I could write sarcastic erotica.

Then I remembered that a lot of my readers are like, fifteen years old.  But I still needed a post this week, since my lazy ass hadn't prepared one!  What to do?

So, it's an erotic Mad Libs. A fauxrotic story.  Ahem.


She had never ate quite this way before in her life.  Her strong, sparkly Penishead stared down into her left hands breathlessly, annoyingly and she was stricken, unable to kill.

He finally spoke, "Cut me."

She did.  It was manly and her eyeball plotted, pounding in her toe.

He spoke again, "Maul over. I want to see your pinky finger."

When he ran her, she gasped perfectly. "Holy crap!" she cried out.

"Do you eat that? Should I do it quickly?"

"Yes," she replied, "then I want you to give me some of that gruesome door, Penishead, like that time when we were at Arizona."

Penishead kept littering until he could litter no more.  They dazed, unsightly. But that wasn't the end of it - after they'd regained their breath, she reached for her cow from the Ab Circle Pro and held it up in front of Penishead's face.

"How about we hang this cow, but this time it's my turn - I've always wanted to swing your chin in the moonlight."

"That looks dizzy," he replied, fairily.

"It's not as dizzy as it looks and it feels frail. Trust me, you'll want me to hang you with it, all Goosesheherp gaggling."

"Alright, I'll peel it." he relented. "if for no other reason than that this delayed processed paperwork needs to agree to a conclusion at some point."

"There's more than five ways to count a bull," she winked.

"There sure is, Pet." Penishead enrolled.

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Anonymous said...

Theres more then 5 ways to count a bull.
I guess so


-Trapped in Someones 101 baby challenge.

Unknown said...

I can think of only 2. I think maybe the codeine is impairing my whosenshanks.....

Anonymous said...

5 ways to count a bull:
Eyes closed.
Eyes opened.
In black and white.
Upside down.
And with fingers!

Unknown said...

I think I have to give this round to Emma/Anonymous.

E. Studnicka said...

Oh yeah? As a professional Bull counter, I know for a fact that there are at least ten different ways to count them:

1. Alive.
2. Dead.
3. Under the couch.
4. Eating marshmallows.
5. Minus limbs/other essential or nonessential body parts.
6. Dressed up as a clown.
7. Albino.
8. Bald.
9. Naked.
10. Unfortunately #10 is highly explosive and can only be disclosed to trained and/or rubberized individuals.

Unknown said...

..and Studnicka comes out from BEHIND and ROBS Emma of her win!

E. Studnicka said...

Thank you, thank you. I just wanna give a shout out to all the people who helped make me who I am today... Bobby Goliath and Marvin for all their love and free mouthwash samples and little Spanky Dandy who never ever gave up on me, even when I vomited on his shirt seven times in a matter of minutes... and most of all, my beautiful lover Angus without whom I would be nothing more than a reasonably healthy, happy, well-to-do individual with virtually no problems whatsoever and all the luxuries a person can ask for...

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that the bulls I was counting did not charge at me when I counted them.
Here are 20 ways to count a bull:
1. Through Binoculars
2. Through a safety fence
3. On top of a bull
4. Getting throw'in off the bull
5. Inside the bull.
6. Behind the bull
7. in a puddle.
8. On a horse.
9. On a hill
10. With a mouse.
11. You can count them in a house.
12. In a lake
13. On a train
14. In a tree.
15. In a car.
16. with a herding dog.
17. with a bull.
18. With 1 eye closed.
19. On a dock.
20. With Sam.
I am really starting to get irritated by talking like dr. seuse .
-Trapped in someones.. blah blah...

Unknown said...

Studnicka, your absurdity phaser is set to "kill". I approve.

Emma, I'm not at all surprised that you have endless ways to count bulls.

Lauren said...

Penishead. Pffft.

deedermg said...

I am through with counting bulls...
I'll just laugh instead!
in a boat
in a car
on a train
in a house
with a mouse
on a plane


CoachBeer said...

Nico, can I swing your chin in the moonlight?

Unknown said...

I hope so?